
Сервис Promos #

Сервис Promos служит для централизованного управления (добавления, удаления) Specials и Promocodes. К сервису обращаются через web интерфейс сайта продаж Store и через web административную панель.

Авторизация в сервис Promos #

  1. Для авторизации через логин и пароль используется метод signin. Детальнее метод описан в Авторизация пользователя

  2. Для авторизации по Токену используется метод authenticate, после того как пользователь прошел signin. Детальнее метод описан в Авторизация пользователя

Закрытые методы сервиса Promos для сущностей Special and Upgrade #

Для сущностей Spacial and Upgrade используется общий API интерфейс.

router.HandleFunc("/get", controllers.GetAllCRUDHandler).Methods("GET")             // get all specials or upgrades
router.HandleFunc("/create", controllers.CreateCRUDHandler).Methods("POST")         // create special or upgrade
router.HandleFunc("/update", controllers.UpdateCRUDHandler).Methods("PUT")          // update special or upgrade
router.HandleFunc("/get/{id}", controllers.CRUDInfoByIDHandler).Methods("GET")      // get special or upgrade by id
router.HandleFunc("/delete/{id}", controllers.DeleteCRUDlHandler).Methods("DELETE") // delete special or upgrade

Данные методы находятся в файле controllers/cruds.go

  1. Для работы со Special в запросе надо отправить параметр с именем module со значением specials
  1. Для работы с Upgrade в запросе надо отправить параметр с именем module со значением upgrades

Закрытые методы сервиса Promos для сущностей promocodes #

promocodes/set - Method “POST” //set promocodes #

{"discount_percentage": 20, // percent of discount
 "discount_amount": 0, // amount of discount (either discount_percentage or discount_amount)
 "usage_count": 4, // how many times you used the discount code
 "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset for generation of codes
 "count": 3, // how many codes you want to generate
 "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
 "pattern": "############", // pattern of discount code
 "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // products array on which spread discount code
 "usage_by": "" // user who can use this discount code

 {"message":"Promocode {name} created.","status":200}

 pcgen error  {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error  {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other error  {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/get - Method “GET” //get all discount codes #

 [{"id": 1, // discount code id in database
   "code": "SUMMER21", // code
   "discount_percentage": 20, // discount_percentage of code
   "discount_amount": 0, // discount_amount (if exist discount_percentage then discount_amount =0 and vice versa)
   "usage_count": 5, // how many times you used the discount code
   "usage_by": "", // user who can use this discount code
   "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // products array on which spread discount code
   "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
   "created": "2024-01-01", // when the discount code was created
   "created_unix": 1672531200, // Unix time when discount code was created
   "pattern": "############", // pattern of code
   "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset of code
   "count": 100 // how many codes were generated

 database error  {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error  {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other error  {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/get/{limitin}/{limitout} - Method “GET” //gets discount codes limited #

{limitin} - from (default 0), {limitout} - to (default 100000)
 [{"id": 1, // discount code id in database
   "code": "SUMMER21", // code
   "discount_percentage": 20, // discount_percentage of code
   "discount_amount": 0, // discount_amount (if exist discount_percentage then discount_amount =0 and vice versa)
   "usage_count": 5, // how many times you used the discount code
   "usage_by": "", // {user_email} - user who can use this discount code
   "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // ["SKU of product"] - products array on which spread discount code
   "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
   "created": "2024-01-01", // when the discount code was created
   "created_unix": 1672531200, // Unix time when discount code was created
   "pattern": "############", // pattern of code
   "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset of code
   "count": 100 // how many codes were generated

 database error  {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error  {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other error  {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/get/{search}{limitin}/{limitout} - Method “GET” get promocodes by search template with limits #

{search} - search template, {limitin} - from (default 0), {limitout} - to (default 100000)
 [{"id": 1, // discount code id in database
   "code": "SUMMER21", // code
   "discount_percentage": 20, // discount_percentage of code
   "discount_amount": 0, // discount_amount (if exist discount_percentage then discount_amount =0 and vice versa)
   "usage_count": 5, // how many times you used the discount code
   "usage_by": "", // user who can use this discount code
   "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // products array on which spread discount code
   "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
   "created": "2024-01-01", // when the discount code was created
   "created_unix": 1672531200, // Unix time when discount code was created
   "pattern": "############", // pattern of code
   "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset of code
   "count": 100 // how many codes were generated

 database error - {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error - {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other error- {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/get/{search} - Method “GET” //get promocode by search template #

{search} - search template
 [{"id": 1, // discount code id in database
   "code": "SUMMER21", // code
   "discount_percentage": 20, // discount_percentage of code
   "discount_amount": 0, // discount_amount (if exist discount_percentage then discount_amount = 0 and vice versa)
   "usage_count": 5, // how many times you used the discount code
   "usage_by": "", // user who can use this discount code
   "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // products array on which spread discount code
   "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
   "created": "2024-01-01", // when the discount code was created
   "created_unix": 1672531200, // Unix time when discount code was created
   "pattern": "############", // pattern of code
   "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset of code
   "count": 100 // how many codes were generated

 database error - {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error - {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other errors- {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/getusedby - Method “GET” returns all discount codes that are linked to the email of the user #

 [{"id": 1, // discount code id in database
   "code": "SUMMER21", // code
   "discount_percentage": 20, // discount_percentage of code
   "discount_amount": 0, // discount_amount (if exist discount_percentage then discount_amount = 0 and vice versa)
   "usage_count": 5, // how many times you used the discount code
   "usage_by": "", // user who can use this discount code (will definitely not be empty)
   "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // products array on which spread discount code
   "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
   "created": "2024-01-01", // when the discount code was created
   "created_unix": 1672531200, // Unix time when discount code was created
   "pattern": "############", // pattern of code
   "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset of code
   "count": 100 // how many codes were generated

 database error - {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error - {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other errors- {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/getdiscountpercentage - Method “GET” //returns all discount codes that have discount percent #

 [{"id": 1, // discount code id in database
   "code": "SUMMER21", // code
   "discount_percentage": 20, // discount_percentage of code (will not be empty)
   "discount_amount": 0, // discount_amount (discount_amount = 0)
   "usage_count": 5, // how many times you used the discount code
   "usage_by": "", // user who can use this discount code
   "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // products array on which spread discount code
   "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
   "created": "2024-01-01", // when the discount code was created
   "created_unix": 1672531200, // Unix time when discount code was created
   "pattern": "############", // pattern of code
   "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset of code
   "count": 100 // how many codes were generated

 database error - {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error - {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other errors- {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/del/{id} - Method “GET” //delete promocode by id #

{id} - is the "code" field in the promocodes structure - for example "code":"SUMMER21"
 {"message":"Promocodes deleted.","status":200}

 database error - {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error - {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other errors- {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

Открытые методы сервиса Promos #

router.HandleFunc("/special/{sku}", controllers.SpecialInfoBySkuHandler).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/upgrade-program", controllers.GetActualUpgradesHandler).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/promocode/upgrade-program", controllers.CreatePromocodeUpgradeProgramHandler).Methods("POST")

Данный метод находится в файле controllers/public.go

promocodes/getbycode/{id} - Method “GET“ //get promocode by id #

{id} - is the "code" field in the promocodes structure - for example "code":"SUMMER21"
 {"id": 1, // discount code id in database
 "code": "SUMMER21", // code
 "discount_percentage": 20, // discount_percentage of code
 "discount_amount": 0, // discount_amount (if exist discount_percentage then discount_amount = 0 and vice versa)
 "usage_count": 5, // how many times you used the discount code
 "usage_by": "", // user who can use this discount code
 "products": ["SKU12345", "SKU67890"], // products array on which spread discount code
 "expires_in": "2024-12-31", // date of expiration of code
 "created": "2024-01-01", // when the discount code was created
 "created_unix": 1672531200, // Unix time when discount code was created
 "pattern": "############", // pattern of code
 "charset": "123456789QWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM", // charset of code
 "count": 100 // how many codes were generated

 database error - {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error - {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other errors- {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

promocodes/decrement/{id} - Method “GET“ decrement promocode by id #

{id} - is the "code" field in the promocodes structure - for example "code":"SUMMER21"
 {"message":"Promocode {code} decremented.","status":200}

 database error - {"error": "Some error", "status":500}
 authenticate error - {"error": "Auth error", "status":401} 
 other errors- {"error": "Some error", "status":400}

Зависимости сервиса Promos #

Promos обменявается данными со следующими сервисами:

Права доступа к сервису Promos #

  • ADMIN и SALES - Имеют полный доступ ко всем функциям сервиса Promos.

  • ВСЕ (даже не зарегистрованные пользователи) - Могут получать информации о Specials и Promocodes через методы /special/ и /promocodes/getbycode/.

use_ rules_img